While Some people don’t like the idea of discussing the benefits of life insurance, there is certainly an important place for it in peoples overall financial planning. In fact, without the protection of life insurance, loved ones may need to drastically alter their lifestyle if the unexpected should occur and to be honest it’s the first thing i look at with clients when meeting.
In fact, life insurance is one of the most important purchases that you can ever make for your family. Without the proper life insurance plan, your family members could be left with a massive amount of debt, which can make an already difficult situation a thousand times worse. While the fund raiser down the local pub is a great help and most communities organize this when an unexpected tragedy happens, but lets be honest it’s far from ideal.
Life insurance is peace of mind that if an unexpected illness or death occurs to me or my partner,my family will be ok financially(hard to put a price on that)
Although life insurance is often used for providing needed funds to surviving family members in the event of a breadwinner’s death, it is also used as a means for paying off debt. This may include payment of the decedent’s expenses such as funeral costs and any unpaid medical bills, as well as paying down the mortgage on the family home for the policy holder’s survivors.
Yet another advantage of life insurance is that the proceeds can be used to equal out an inheritance. For example, if an individual has two children and he wishes to leave his home to one child, he could purchase a life insurance policy in the amount of the home’s value and name his other child as beneficiary of the policy. This way, each child will receive an inheritance of relatively equal value.
Here at yes.ie we tailor a package that suits the individual as everybody’s circumstances are different.
We have some excellent discounts with all the major companies so we can easily protect a family for as little as €40 per month.
If you want some advise or quotes,contact me here at darragh.farrell@yes.ie or call 01-6339245.