The most important policy or benefit a parent or guardian can have for themselves and their family.
Repeat- Life Assurance is the most important policy or benefit a parent or guardian can have for themselves and their family.
When sitting down with people and discussing their financial situation ,this is the first thing i discuss,before pensions ,car insurance,Home insurance ,travel ins,savings etc etc.
I have seen first hand the tremendous help a life assurance policy gives to a family after the death of a loved one.
Of course it will never bring their loved one back,but it will give a hell of a hand in moving forward and coping with their loss.
If we just simply look at it and think for a second, could you live comfortably every day without your partners wages??
95% of the time the answer is no and i would go as far to say,i would question any man or woman’s sanity that has children and no Life assurance.
Some People pay €35 per week on coffee and wont pay €30/40 a month to protect their family.
With all the discounts lately,people can get Life insurance for a
very manageable premium(i can get 2 adults of 40,200k Life assurance for €30 per month.
It’s your responsibility to have it,it gives you peace of mind that your covered in the event of a untimely death.
Please email me for a discount quote on
or call 01-6339245