E cigarettes

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As we all know smoking is bad for your health.

Some people have moved to e-cigarettes in a bid to stop smoking altogether,but the truth is we still don’t know the effects of these yet.

The good news is that some life assurance companies have been offering non-smoking rates to those ‘smoking’ e-cigarettes while others are now applying a small rating. Even with this rating, the premium that e-cigarette smokers will pay is working out much cheaper than that of a smoker, smoking regular cigarettes.

So if you have not smoked a cigarette in the last 12 months and are puffing on the Ecig,it’s time to re-quote your Life insurance.

This will reduce your cost dramatically.

If this relates to you then email me at darragh.farrell@yes.ie or call me on 01-6339245 for your new quote.