How do I make an offer for my house?

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Purchase agreement for hours with model home

Before buying a house, every buyer makes an offer. What you should know is the more you know about the process of purchasing a home, the smoother it will be.

Where to begin?

From the assessment of the house. It is evaluated independently or with the help of certified agencies. This will filter out overpriced property offers.

The assessment takes into account: The position of the house, the development of infrastructure in the area; Material of manufacture, year of construction, number of repairs performed, presence of defects; The condition of the land, the quality of the land, the size of the land; The presence of additional buildings on the site; Have communications been carried out, does the house require additional finishing.

Select several home options in the same price range, view them all, and try trading with the homeowner you like best – a weighty argument – houses of the same class, but at a lower price. Sellers can initially include in the price the possibility of a small bargaining, so you can get a 5-10% discount from the base price. What documents are needed to be proceed before the transaction?

As a buyer, you are more interested in ensuring that the transaction will be legal. Otherwise, your ownership of the house and land may be challenged. Pay attention to:

A document confirming the ownership of the house.

The technical passport contains the plan of the site with all the buildings, indicating their real value.

You’ll be able to figure out how many people are registered in the house. There should be no debt. It is desirable that all tenants registered in the house give written consent to check out from it within the terms specified at the conclusion of the contract.

A preliminary agreement is drawn up before the conclusion of the transaction, in which the parties stipulate the key conditions on which the transaction will be concluded in the future. In the main contract, the buyer transfers the money to the seller, and the transaction can be considered complete. The main contract should be certified by a notary. The contract specifies:

Name; Where and when it was concluded; The list of objects that are the subject of the transaction (since there are other buildings in addition to the house on the land plot, their listing is mandatory); For the objects listed above, identification signs are indicated (location, area, for land – its purpose);

The amount must be indicated. It is desirable to settle accounts with the seller in front of witnesses. This can be a notary, bank employees (if the funds were stored there). This is necessary in order to exclude even the minimal likelihood that in the future, the seller will try to challenge your ownership of the house. From the moment of signing the contract and the act of acceptance/transfer, the transaction can be considered complete. You are the new owner of the house and land The agreement is drawn up and signed in 3 copies, one copy of each of the parties and one more copy to the State Registrar.

Written by Bader Albader, market researcher.