Pension Advisor Dublin

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When looking for help researching where to start with your personal or company pension,it’s best to look for an adviser.

This will make a massive difference in your pensions performance and an advisor is also there to hold your hand so to speak with your working Life through to retirement.

The main advantages of using an advisor is getting you maximum growth for your money, getting you the best annual charges,organizing full tax relief and they are also there by phone or email 24/7.

Annual pension charges can vary a lot and can often be double the charge when doing your pension through a bank.(dont worry if you have started it with a bank ,you can still switch it over to a pension advisor/broker)

*So my tip is always use the pension adviser for the best returns for your money.

If you would like any help with starting your pension or just need help drawing down your money at retirement please contact me on or call me on 01-6339245.