So, you want to take control of your spending and start saving for your future financial goals? It can be hard to understand how much you should be spending each month and how you can effectively prepare yourself financially for the future. Creating a monthly budget that is effective and maintainable can allow you to do this.
Benefits of Following a Budget
The primary benefit of creating and following a budget is that it ensures you are not overspending. The popularity of credit cards has led to many consumers spending far beyond their means and racking up considerable debt.
Budgeting allows you to determine your future financial goals and helps you achieve them. It reminds you to contribute to your savings and more effectively prepare for large expenses like buying a car or home. Additionally, effective budgeting is essential for building your retirement fund.
Life is unexpected and emergencies can happen. Budgeting allows you to be prepared if you get laid off or if the roof of your house starts leaking. With a budget, you can set aside some of your income into an emergency fund so that you are prepared for the unexpected.
Lastly, following a budget allows you to effectively analyze your spending habits. It is important to be aware of poor spending habits so that you can find areas where you can begin saving more money.
Understanding the 50/30/20 Rule
The 50/30/20 rule is a budgeting strategy that divides your spending into three different categories: needs, wants, and savings or investment.
This rule delegates 50% of your income to your necessary or essential expenses. This category includes rent or mortgage payments, utility payments, car loan payments, groceries, etc.
30% of your income is then delegated to discretionary or personal expenses. This category limits the spending on the things that you want, thereby helping you avoid overspending. This category includes items such as dining out, entertainment, nights out, etc.
The remaining 20% of your income contributes to your financial goals through savings and investments. This portion of your income goes towards paying down debt, saving for large expenses like housing, or generating a passive income through investing.
Creating the Budget
The first step in creating your monthly budget is to determine your monthly income. You want to use the income you will actually be taking home – your post-tax salary. Then, determine and categorize your expenses. Some expenses will be fixed while some are variable, and some expenses are necessary while others are not. Differentiating your different expenses is essential in creating an effective budget. You are now ready to create your personal monthly budget and begin tracking your spending.
Budgeting is a very important tool that allows you to improve your financial well-being and plan for the future.