What is a pension???

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A pension plan is a long-term savings plan, where regular amounts and/or once-off lump sums are built up into a fund for retirement.

The importance of having a Pension Plan

Have you ever wondered what you might do when you stop working? Let’s face it we all have!

The reality is that the majority of us will need to save a significant amount just to maintain our existing standard of living in retirement. With advances in modern medicine and improved standards of living, people are generally living longer and can look forward to 20 or 30 years in retirement. This is a long time in which to enjoy the finer aspects of life. Work priorities can be replaced with relaxing, enjoying new hobbies and spending more time with family and friends.

Whatever your goals, one thing is for certain, you will wish to maintain the standard of lifestyle that you enjoyed while you were working.

Don’t keep putting your pension off,it’s your life and the earlier you start the bigger your fund.

Call or email me today at darragh.farrell@yes.ie or 01-6339245